Czy ktoś ma pomysł na grę?


Otóż od paru lat jestem administratorem szkolnej strony, i żeby ją uatrakcyjnić napisałem minigierkę. Niestety nie przyjęła się ona, i zagrało w nią 3 osoby, łącznie ze mną (tzn. tyle osób wysłało swój wynik do bazy).

Teraz chciałbym zrobić nową, nieco trudniejszą, taką w której można przechodzić na trudniejsze poziomy. Nie koniecznie na zasadzie, że o Awansowałeś na 2 poziom doświadczenia, nie. Coś w stylu poziom trudności gry można elastycznie modyfikować. Tamta poprzednia gra miała taką wadę że po odgadnięciu sposobu na jej przejście, ponowne jej przejście nie stanowi większego problemu. A mi zależy na grze w którą będzie można grać po paredziesiąt razy ukończyć i się nie znudzić.

Ma ktoś pomysł? Wolałbym uniknąć gier 3D lub takich do których nie trzeba technologi DirectX lub OpenGl i innych.


Tibia Roguelike


Jakąś wciągającą zręcznościówkę od kilku dni gramy na lekcjach infy(systemy operacyjne i multimedia i grafika komputerowa) w: bardzo wciąga:D


Może coś typu Electricman?


Napisz coś w stylu "Achtung die Curve!" też dla np. kilku osób.

0 - tu masz generator pomysłów na gry.


Tutaj masz trochę pomysłów z tej strony, co podał Spine (jakby ci się nie chciało klikać ;))

A game with Fuzzyness and Trains and Ladders and High Concentration Required.
A game with Slipperyness and Trees and Swords and Growth.
A game with Remote Controls and Violence and Elevators and Bouncing.
A game with A Countdown and Missiles and Poison.
A game with Fruit and Wetness and Jacks and Connectors and Bends.
A game with Guns and Light and Transparency and Combos.
A game with Ladders and Monsters.
A game with Levels and Black Holes and High Speed.
A game with Guns and Leaders and Followers and Keys.
A game with Sneaking Around and Numbers and Puzzle Elements.
A game with Chemistry and Fruit and Hollow Objects.
A game with Chemistry and Fighting.
A game with Sound and Rockets and Racing.
A game with Combos and Procedural Generation and Experience Points and Worms.
A game with Hollow Objects and Keys and Soap.
A game with Weapon Upgrades and High Concentration Required and Heaven and Sunlight.
A game with Physics and Filthyness and Words.
A game with Writing and Dinosaurs.
A game with Evolution and Tires and High Speed.
A game with Robots and Math.
A game with Bubbles and Bouncing and Friction.
A game with Fuzzyness and Slithering.
A game with Floating and Objects That Move To The Beat and Procedural Generation and Chemistry.
A game with High Concentration Required and Friction and Fruit.
A game with Dinosaurs and Cutlery and Light and Numbers.
A game with Moonlight and Extreme Difficulty and Sound.
A game with Growth and Evolution.
A game with Jacks and Connectors and Cartoonyness and Bends and Slipperyness.
A game with Clock-faces and X's and O's and Electricity and Locks.
A game with Explosions and Monsters and Fluidity.
A game with Guards and Bubbles and View Cones and Robots.
A game with Hell and Transparency and Elevators.
A game with Bosses and Chemistry and Snakes and Monsters.
A game with A Countdown and High Speed and Filthyness.
A game with Missiles and Missiles and Guards.
A game with Music and Words and Soap and Dinosaurs.
A game with Birth and Colours and Swallowing and Ladders.
A game with Sunlight and Ice.
A game with Physics and Cutlery and Soap.
A game with Worms and Lasers and Sound and Fluidity.
A game with Weapon Upgrades and Bullets.
A game with Math and Weapon Upgrades and Numbers.
A game with Keys and Physics and Fire and High Concentration Required.
A game with Velcro and Tires.
A game with Transparency and Explosions and Racing.
A game with Eating and Floaty Objects and Dinosaurs and Words.
A game with Music and Gravity and Trees.
A game with Explosions and Wires and Artificial Intelligence and Cups.
A game with High Concentration Required and Bends and Pressure.
A game with Chemistry and Worms and Fighting and Leaders and Followers.
A game with Sound and Procedural Generation.
A game with High Concentration Required and Elevators.
A game with Bowls and Artificial Intelligence and Hollow Objects and Tubes.
A game with Fighting and Joints.
A game with Leaders and Followers and Balance and Fluidity.
A game with Lasers and Smoke and Birth and Clusters.
A game with Floating and Monsters.
A game with Elevators and Orbits and Bouncing and Fire.
A game with Eating and The Solar System and Leaders and Followers.
A game with Cups and Weight and Writing and High Concentration Required.
A game with Numbers and Bends.
A game with Detailed Statistics and Clock-faces and Dinosaurs.
A game with Orbits and High Concentration Required and Cutlery.
A game with Artificial Intelligence and Violence.
A game with Light and Darkness and Bubbles and Fire.
A game with Weapon Upgrades and Swallowing.
A game with Leaders and Followers and Velcro and Monsters and Tracks.
A game with Math and Sunlight and Guns.
A game with Remote Controls and Colours and Fighting and Hell.
A game with Hollow Objects and Ink and Bowls and Gravity.
A game with Monsters and Leaders and Followers and Slithering.
A game with Hollow Objects and Combos and Light and Darkness.
A game with Trees and Lasers.
A game with Friction and Light and Smoke and Electricity.
A game with Tubes and Wheels and Gravity.
A game with Tires and Cartoonyness and Floaty Objects.
A game with Levers and Bowls and Objects That Move To The Beat and Tracks.
A game with Extreme Difficulty and Guns and Objects That Move To The Beat and Hooks.
A game with Sound and Tubes.
A game with Bends and Fuzzyness and Coldness.
A game with Ladders and Filthyness and Electricity.
A game with Racing and Weapon Upgrades and Tubes.
A game with Wheels and Math and Bullets and Bouncing.
A game with Music and Objects That Move To The Beat and Rockets.
A game with Bosses and Dryness and Pressure and Ropes.
A game with Orbits and Hooks and High Speed.
A game with Racing and Racing and Cutlery.
A game with Sneaking Around and Hell.
A game with Escalators and Tubes and Combos and Poison.
A game with Warmth and Fire and Wetness and Dryness.
A game with Soap and Wires and Fighting.
A game with Ink and Fire and Wetness.
A game with View Cones and Fluidity and Black Holes.
A game with Monsters and Trains and Heaven.


Podjąłem decyzję. Zrobię wieloosobowego snake'a.


zrob w html5 :) co by mozna bylo sobie pograc online'owo odpalajac tylko przegladarke


Poszedł bym w kierunku starych hitów z lat 80-tych, np. z Atari czy Amigi :), tylko zrobić to W NOWYM OPAKOWANIU ! Super grafika, dzwięk, po prostu położyć nacisk na wysoki poziom multimediów.


W takim razie polecam Archon, tylko, że ktoś już to zrobił pod iPhone :D -
No i wcześniej były jakieś wersje pod DOS'a.


Żadna z powyższych nie wypaliła :/ Nie chcę zakładać nowego tematu, więc gdyby ktoś miał jeszcze jakiś pomysł to bardzo chętnie.


Gra typu Tower Defense?


Coś podobnego do Escape z joe. Wciąga.

  1. Zrób coś z prawami fizyki np. Angry Birds, tylko użyj jakichś skomplikowanych fizycznie rzeczy np. strzelanie krzesłem, czy monitorem żeby się fajnie animowało.
  2. Zrób symulację rozwoju potworków, piaskownicę, w której będzie można zbudować jakiegoś stworka z dostępnych części i będą one się rozwijały w wirtualnym świecie.

Sniper assasin quickshot z joe też. Takie gierki na lekcje są dobre. :P

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