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Jak mając tylko folder np PJSIP z klasami *.c można zbudować i skompilować projekt?


Masz przecież plik projektu wystarczy kliknąć 2-krotnie na ikonce :) projekt jest VS 2005 z tego co widzę

Może konwersja poszła źle, ja nie mam jak sprawdzić.

w Readme masz taką instrukcję

Quick Info

Building with GNU tools (Linux, *BSD, MacOS X, mingw, etc.)
Generally these should be all that are needed to build the libraries,
applications, and samples:

$ ./configure
$ make dep && make clean && make

Building Win32 Target with Microsoft Visual Studio
Generally we can just do these steps:

     1. Visual Studio 6: open pjproject.dsw workspace,
     2. Visual Studio 2005: open pjproject-vs8.sln solution,
     3. Create an empty pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h, and
     4. build the pjsua application.

Building for Windows Mobile
Generally these are all that are needed:

     1. Open pjsip-apps/build/wince-evc4/wince_demos.vcw EVC4 workspace,
     2. Create an empty pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h, and
     3. build the pjsua_wince application.

Invoking Older Build System (e.g. for RTEMS)
Generally these should be all that are needed to build the libraries,
applications, and samples:

$ ./configure-legacy
$ make dep && make clean && make

Locating Output Binaries/Libraries
Libraries will be put in lib directory, and binaries will be put in
bin directory, under each projects.

Running the Applications
After successful build, you can try running pjsua application on
pjsip-apps/bin directory. PJSUA manual can be found in
http://www.pjsip.org/pjsua.htm page.

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